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The Great Flooring Debate... Concrete vs Hardwood (A Side by Side Look)

Updated: Jul 5, 2023


Wellington Builders | Design & Architecture Services | Environmentally Conscious Design | High Performing Home | Structural Insulated Panels | Energy Efficient Home

Lounge room showing couch and floor rug, console with mirror, chair and other decorative elements

Let’s talk about flooring!

Hardwood and concrete are both exceptionally durable, sustainable flooring options, with proven track records.

Hardwood is favoured for the warm, timeless look that it provides, while concrete has been making quite a resurgence recently with its modern, polished, sleek aesthetic.

As with everything worth investing in, there are many pros and cons to consider for both, so we thought we would list them here to help you make a more informed decision that best fits your space.


  • Concrete: Incredibly durable, resistant to moisture, scratching, etc. Will last 10-20 years with very minimal maintenance.

  • Hardwood: Hard-wearing although susceptible to scratching from pets, heels, and heavy foot traffic. Prone to shrinking/expanding/warping in extremely dry/humid conditions.


  • Concrete: Around $160 per sq/m (polished and sealed)

  • Hardwood: Around $160 per sq/m (supply & install).


  • Concrete: Yes. The thermal mass in concrete means less spent on heating.

  • Hardwood: No.


  • Concrete: Low. Sweep, wash and the occasional wax treatment. Resistant to bacteria and mould growth.

  • Hardwood: Sweep and vacuum. Minimise cleaning with water as this may result in mould over prolonged periods. Polish every 3-4 years.


  • Concrete: Industrial, modern. (Several different finishes are available + you can add colour to the slab at the pour stage)

  • Hardwood: Classic, comfortable, luxurious.


  • Concrete: Quiet.

  • Hardwood: Can be noisy, especially when wearing shoes/heels.


  • Concrete: Great in any room (just not upstairs as it is too heavy!)

  • Hardwood: Depending on the product chosen, it can be used in all rooms.


  • Concrete: Matte, polished to a gloss, stain, acid stain

  • Hardwood: Hard wax, stain, polyurethane/clear coat


  • Concrete: Polish may dull a little over time

  • Hardwood: Can fade at different rates + direct sunlight can cause wood to shrink and cause cracks to open up (depending on the stability of the hardwood used)


  • Concrete: Can be hard on the feet if standing for long periods.

  • Hardwood: Comfortable.

If you would like to discuss either of these flooring options for your project (or another we have not mentioned), please contact us.


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